Organization Behavior and Culture Safety
Safety culture involves the ways that safety is seen, valued and made a priority in an organization. All levels of the organization have a certain level of commitment when it comes to matters of safety. Another description of safety culture is the way organizations act when there is no one watching them.The ideal organization is one that has a safe environment for its workers, one with no assault, challenge of workers' identity and no compromise of their needs.
For an organization, the safety culture has to be seen in the workers' professionalism. To attain success in an organization, it is likely that workers believe that simply avoiding accidents or reducing the occurrence of accidents is what the culture stands for. In every organization, the quality of work has to be emphasized and proper attitudes will ensure the right level of professionalism is shown. The organization shapes this attitude to a culture that is seen as the organization's own culture.The ways to realizing safety culture are by firstly identifying that accidents can be prevented when one follows the right procedures. It is also realized when workers in an organization constantly think of safety and they continue seeking improvement.The organizations that have an effective safety culture are those with communications bound on mutual trust while sharing observations on the need for safety.
Individuals, groups as well as structures will make an organization more effective when the in-organization behavior is improved and shaped toward good and safe practices. It has been realized in many organizations that individuals will act and behave differently when playing their organizational roles than when they are away from the organization. This behavior in individuals and in groups in an organization has to be monitored and studied to note all the differences and the areas that can be boosted. This is vital to monitor in order to attain a well-lubricated system with all individuals working to sustain a culture of safety. The safety culture in an organization has to be reflected in the ways safety is managed. For safety culture in an organization to be as good as it should be, an organization has to realize that it cannot only consist of policies and shelved procedures.
The individuals must have an attitude that safety is of the utmost importance in the workplace and they must implement the right policies and procedures. The ways in which safety in an organization's workplace is managed is normally influenced by the organization's safety climate. If an organization works in an industry with high risks, then it ought to have safety as a top priority. Every organization has to study its employees' psychology and behavior in relation to the organization then try to shape these behaviors to suit the organizational environment on safety culture. The senior management thus has to be committed to safety, have realistic rules and norms about organizational hazards and it has to monitor and analyze the employees while promoting systems for feedback.